Signs Of Stress In Animals
October 27, 2020
Kennel and boarding facilities can be stressful for pets and humans. It is vital that staff is properly trained in understanding the signs pets exhibit when stressed and take appropriate actions. "Failure to recognize stress signals can affect the long-term physical and mental well being of both the animals and humans in this environment" (Dr. Pam Schreiner, University of Minnesota). Below are some of the signs of stress Dr. Schreiner observed in her research of companion animals:
Signs Of Stress In Dogs
Panting and salivating
Diarrhea/ bowel movements
Inappropriate urination
Licking the lips
Dilated pupils
Shaking (as if the animal were shaking off water)
Whining, excessive vocalizing
Growling when approached to be handled
Sweaty paws(leaving sweaty paw prints on the floor)
Increased or decreased activity
Excessive scratching or licking repeatedly
‘Spacing out’ by turning away or avoiding eye contact
Loss of appetite
Hiding behind the handler
Signs Of Stress In Cats
Restlessness, distraction, agitation
Listlessness, unusual passivity
Defensive vocalizations
Excessive shedding
Dilated pupils
Inappropriate urination/defecation
Hiding and refusing to interact with humans or other animals
Causes Of Stress In Animals
Unusual noises
Unknown places
Confusing or inconsistent training or handling
People exhibiting strange or unusual behavior
Unpredictable or rough handling
Unusual odors
Being crowded by people or other animals
A resident or staff member being nervous or acting in a strange way from the animals perspective
Extreme indoor and outdoor temperatures
Housing or resting area in an inappropriate place, not able to get adequate rest as a result
Requiring the animal to be up and active 24 hours a day to match the staff shifts of the facility
Too many animals (whether the same or a different species) within the same general area causing crowded territory issues (How many is too many? The animals will tell you!)
Inadequate exercise or mental stimulation
Inadequate diet for species
Inappropriate or excessive feeding of animals
Visiting animals from outside the facility coming into their territory
Reference: Schreiner, Dr. Pam. "Signs of Stress in Companion Animals. Center to Study Human-Animal Relationships and Environments. The University of Minnesota. 5/16/16.